This is a linear route, so you will have to plan your journeys accordingly.  It takes a mostly cross-country route via Taunton and the Somerset Levels to Wells. From there the route is through Warminster and over the chalk downs to Durrington.  A tiny lane by Bulford Church short-cuts on to the lane following the Avon valley northwards through Avebury and the stone circle to Cirencester.  From there it's an Easterly route towards Buckingham.  This is the night section on the calendar event, so there are some main roads until you are past Aylesbury.  Then there are more lanes, including one rough section (bear with it, it is a good cut through). Eventually the route becomes urban as you pass Watford ad eventually join the Edgeware Road (Roman Watling Street) and finish at Marylebone Station.  I recommend that you start this event at 12 noon, as the calendar event, so that the busiest sections are covered when the roads are quietest.


  • Exeter St David's Railway Station
  • Wells
  • Durrington (Go SO roundabout into the village for Tesco & garage controls)
  • Cirencester
  • Buckingham
  • London Marylebone Station.

Here is the calendar routesheet. Read it even if you intend to use gpx.

Here is the gpx track. Controls are waymarked.  Note that rerouting via another app will probably cock-up the route through Wells (it goes over a footpath to pass the Cathedral).

Entry via the AUK website